The Sensory Garden was the first project that members of the club tackled. Indeed, it was during the creation of this garden in the Longwater Park adjacent to the Costessey Centre that discussion between the gardeners led to the formation of Costessey Community Gardening Club. The three raised beds were built by Bear and Co Ltd, a local Costessey company, the soil provided by Baileys of Hevingham, and were funded through the generous donation by two of Costessey’s Town Councillors, Terry Laidlaw and Libby Glover, also District Councillors, through the Ward Member’s Community Fund scheme. The plants were provided and planted by members of Friends of the Tud Valley, mostly supplied from their own gardens. Although all were of a sensory nature, stimulating the full range of senses, most of these plants were also nectar-rich and therefore of great value to pollinators. The beds produced an attractive colourful display throughout the summer and autumn, much admired by walkers in the park and visitors to the Costessey Centre – as well as the group of
local knitters who often sat outside the Centre during the summer for their Knit and Natter sessions! Whilst the beds were being planted, the idea of forming a Gardening Club here in Costessey germinated, grew and has now blossomed into the Costessey Community Gardening Club whose members now meet monthly and are planning further projects.