Queens Hills Country Park
An area of about 100 acres in the river valley either side of Sir Alfred Munnings Road has been designated as a country park. The land will be taken over and managed by South Norfolk Council. The Friends of the Tud Valley have undertaken a survey of the wildlife in the area to assist in drawing up a management plan for the site.
The survey shows that there is a rich and diverse range of flora and fauna in the area. You can download a copy of the report by clicking the buttons below.
Queen’s Hills Report
We would like to hear from anybody who has further information about wildlife in the area or would like to volunteer in helping to manage the park area.
White Clawed Crayfish in the River Tud
The friends of the Tud Valley have been in touch with Environment Agency about water quality and drainage issues in the Tud Valley in Old Costessey. Fish surveys in the river in recent years have shown an increase in protected species such as white clawed crayfish and trout. The Agency has produced a strategy report for rivers in Norfolk, including the Tud, which can be downloaded below.