Notes on the meeting of Costessey Community Gardening Club
Held at The Costessey Centre on Wednesday 19th January 2022
The topic for the evening was “Propagation – Plants for Free”
Pauline Williamson (PW) welcomed new and existing members to the meeting.
At the start of the meeting, new membership cards were distributed.
PW introduced Lesley Webdale, General Secretary of Norfolk & Norwich Horticultural Society, who talked about Norfolk & Norwich Horticultural Society (NNHS) to which Costessey Community Gardening Club is now affiliated. Members of Costessey Community Gardening Club can now attend NNHS shows, meetings and trips and will receive emails about upcoming meetings or events forwarded by Pauline. The NNHS Spring Daffodil Show will be held at the Costessey Centre on April 10th 2022 and our club members are welcome. Offers of assistance at the show will also be welcomed by NNHS.
The Well-BEE-ing Garden is to be installed within the next two weeks in Costessey Park.
Five of the eight beds in the original design will be installed, the remaining three once sufficient funds have been secured. Donations of pollinator-friendly nectar-rich plants and shrubs for this garden will be most welcome. Please contact Pauline if you can offer suitable plants. Planting will start in February
There has been massive appreciation from the community for the team who gave the neglected raised bed by the Library in Breckland Park a “garden make-over”.
The club now has its own Website (Website) and Facebook page, thanks to technical support from Henry Bedingfield
Propagation practical session
Members participated in this interactive demonstration sharing their expertise and knowledge about methods of propagation.
Different propagation options were considered: seeds, division, layering, and cuttings including: softwood, semi-ripe, hardwood, leaf and root cuttings and techniques will be covered in more detail during the next meeting.
There was a display of assorted equipment that can be used for the various methods of propagation. Whilst some commercial options were displayed, including biodegradable fabric and coir flower pots, there were also recycled options for club members to consider as alternatives. e.g
Perforated plastic fruit punnets used for seed trays.
Non-perforated mushroom and similar plastic punnets used as drip trays.
Perforated clear plastic punnets used as propagator covers.
Plastic 2 litre lemonade/water bottle top halves cut to cover pots of cuttings as propagator covers
Egg boxes used for growing young seedlings like chillies and chitting seed potatoes.
Toilet roll or Kitchen roll cardboard tubes used for growing young seedlings like sweet peas or runner beans that dislike root disturbance. These can be planted directly and the cardboard will biodegrade.
Plastic Burger pots and tomato pots used for trays, flower pot holders/drip trays and propagators.
The Propagation practical was concluded, remembering the 5 R’s of recycling:
A suggestion for a new “Members Only” site/page has been discussed.
The raffle concluded this month’s meeting, thanks to Lella for organizing.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 16th February 2022 at 7.00 pm for a 7.30 pm start