Even though we haven’t been able to meet during December, a lot has been happening “behind the scenes” for our Community Gardening Club, leaving us in an exciting position as we approach the New Year.
Firstly, Henry has been working hard to publicise the club and promote our aims. He has developed the logo that our members favoured during the November meeting, and this logo now features on the Membership card that is now ready for you all. He and I have also been liaising whilst he has used his considerable technology skills to develop a most professional Costessey Community Gardening Club website, https://costessey.wixsite.com/ccgc. We also have a Facebook page that since its launch has attracted several new members to swell our numbers. Please check out the website, and share our Facebook page amongst your friends and families. Millie Jenkins, who joined us in November, is Head of the Garden Centre at Norwich Camping and Leisure. She often joins the panel of skilled Norfolk gardeners on The Garden Party on Radio Norfolk on Saturday mornings from 11 – 1. During the programme on December 18th, she helped to publicise our club so many thanks Millie.
On 27th November, several club members braved Storm Arwen to dig out, weed and reset the neglected raised bed in Breckland Park near the Library and I have since received many compliments about the results. We replanted masses of daffodils which promise to give a stunning springtime display alongside the other plants that we had divided and reset. If any of you notice similar opportunities for such improvements to enhance our parish, please let me know.

To this –
The Well-BEE-ing Garden –
The Well-BEE-ing Garden, our exciting new project, is now under way. This is being funded by a Saffron Community Grant and recently by an extra £1000 donation of Ward Members Fund by Town and District Councillor, Dan Burrell. Although so far we have insufficient funding for the full eight hexagonal bed design, I have authorised the construction of five beds by Bear and Co, our local woodyard company who built the three raised beds in the Sensory Garden earlier this year. I shall continue to try to secure the remaining funding necessary for the remaining three beds that can be added once money becomes available. At least early in 2022 we shall be able to plant the first stage of this substantial community Wellbeing garden in Longwater Park for our Costessey residents (and the pollinators!) to enjoy. Last week I went down to see how the beds were progressing and these photos show three of the beds, stacked on top of each other, alongside Mr Ian “Woolly” Bear, the Proprietor.
The Well-BEE-ing Gardens Installation –
The five beds will be installed during January, filled with soil and then be ready for planting with the pollinator-friendly plants which will provide a rich nectar source for our endangered pollinators from early spring through the summer to late autumn. Whilst working in your gardens, if you have an excess of any such pollinator-friendly plants that you could donate to this project, please let me know. I would welcome those, especially if you are able to pot them up in readiness for planting, but equally I am happy to collect them and pot them up in my garden. I sent out a request for more pots when my store of pots was shrinking drastically, and now have a plentiful supply. So please save any excess perennials such as Phlox, salvias, herbs and bee other attractant species. I am particularly looking for the darker red- stemmed sedum if anyone has some to spare.