About Us

about our community

About Costessey

Costessey benefits from a unique Norfolk Location, lying approximately five miles west of Norwich, within the beautiful valley of the River Tud, one of Britain’s rare chalk streams. 

The River Tud flows through the tree wards of Costessey, Old Costessey, New Costessey and West Costessey (Queens Hills) that constitute the Town of Costessey. 

The valley provides a variety of green spaces, including a number of woodlands and the richly biodiverse Queens Hill Community Park.

The Friends of the Tud Valley, group was originally set up to help preserve the beauty and natural environment of the river and its valley. 

About our group

About The Friends Of The Tud Valley

In April 2013 a group of local residents got together, with the support of Costessey Parish Council, to form a community group called the Friends of the Tud Valley.

The aim of the group as set out in the constitution is:

To protect the natural and historic landscape and wildlife habitats of the Tud Valley
The objectives are to

• maintain and enhance the character of the landscape
• protect and enhance wildlife habitats
• protect and enhance sites of archaeological and historic interest
• manage opportunities for public access to the countryside for quiet recreational pursuits
• encourage local participation in the development of the project and a community management plan
• increase local community and visitor awareness and appreciation of the area

We are planning to gather information about the Valley and put together a community management plan that can inform decisions taken by the local authorities and other statutory agencies. The plan will set out what local people think is special about the Tud Valley. We are also hoping to carry out activities with volunteers, have a web site
and produce a newsletter.